Sunday, January 18, 2009

A New Hope...

Wasn't that from Star Wars?

Anyways, it's interesting, my outlook for the new year. It's 8:30 in the morning on Sunday January 18, 2009. The Presidential Inauguration is in 2 days and that's an exciting prospect. I remember watching the election at my friend Colin's house and when they finally conceded that Barack Obama had won, it seemed like the world became just thaaaat much better of a place to live. And when Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech, I got choked up and and thought to myself, "man, this guy is good!". And as everyone there spoke in regards to his acceptance speech and the fact that he had just won the election, the recurring and underlying theme seemed to be hope. I've noticed that theme occuring in my own life and in situations around me lately. I recently saw MILK and that was a point Sean Penn drove home throughout the movie. "You gotta give 'em hope".

(On a side note, I remember being in the 4th grade when Harvey Milk and George Moscone were murdered. My most vivid memory was laughing to myself because of Harvey Milk's last name. I was 9 years old. What do you expect?)

But back to my point, I'm looking at this new year with a sense of optimism that I haven't had in years. Maybe even ever. The past 2 years of my life have possibly been the worst 2 years. From losing both of my gradparents to business and financial troubles, losing friendships and a losing love. It all added up to a tumultuous time. But all things pass, as they say. I'm closing in on the tail end of my 30's and am actually looking forward to 40. I still have some time til that happens, but I want to make sure I use this time to make some positive things happen in my life. Things I may have never thought were important to me before are now coming to the forefront of my life. It really is an exciting time for me because of all these different opportunities that are laid before me. And it all comes back to hope. I wish that for my family and friends in the new year. Here's to the first day of the rest of our lives. You gotta give 'em hope.